Thursday, April 1, 2010

Skinny Jeans = EEEEWWWWW!

I have something to say about skinny jeans. No one looks good in them unless their legs are rail thin! Plus size ladies - stop wearing those hideous jeans! And those jean leggings (jeggings, I think), are the worst possible thing ever! They make your hips look huge and accent your booty in a baaaaaad way!! THey make us look like grapes with legs. *shudder* Knock it off already!! Stop making us look bad!

Also, low-rise pants are horrible for anyone over a 10 or 12! Hello! Muffin top! Why doesn't anyone wear pants that fit anymore?! UGH! Seriously! Don't you look in a mirror? Don't you want to not look like a fat girl trying to be skinnier than you are? Embrace your body! It is beautiful as it is! If you just dress it right you can be just as sexy as any size 2! Again, seriously!!! Wake up ladies!

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