Monday, August 30, 2010

New Subject

Hi everyone. I know that when I originally started this blog (and I know that I have been very bad about keeping it up) that I was talking about plus size women's clothing and all the issues surrounding it. At this point in my education and life focus I have decided to change direction with more focus on costume. I am starting to build a costume for the show The Importance of Being Earnest as I designed the show for a class project last semester. So I will be talking more about period costume, and probably more specifically about my progress in the construction of this particular piece and tricks of the trade I will be learning this semester.

I am excited to make something for an actual body! This will be a challenge as I haven't done this before, but I am really looking forward to it!! My lovely model, Miss Jenny Luna, has graciously let me use and abuse her for my own benefit! Thanks, gorgeous!

Well, that's all for now. I have some draping to do!